
lack a sense of well-being of urban life. &quot

Many migrant workers with temporary partners gather attention to a problem "temporary wife" - people from rural areas to leave their homes in order to make China] [Beijing Xinhua, a migrant into large urban areas. To the migrant and his family from problems such as high house prices is difficult issues and family register, cases that do not live together but spouse is the most. Among these people, and between spiritual partner "temporary wife" is born and many are also the original spouse, sexual separately. "Mr,19492. and Mrs." temporary, "at a press conference is a phenomenon not uncommon, Mr. Li Liu NPC representative <br> <,フェンディ バッグ 1日平均濃度35マイクロ・グラム以下;br> <br> <br> [More Photos] recommends that the government wants to resolve this problem . I emphasized this phenomenon is what led affair of his wife in rural areas, the increase in the divorce rate, "We will also affect the education of children. The proposal of Mr. Li Liu <br> <br>, marital problems of migrant workers has been attracting attention again. However, opinions are varied. Some Internet users defend <br> <br>, the "temporary wife" is that it is unavoidable choice for migrant workers. Are "painful work of migrant workers, sexual demand is not met, will want the emotional support can not be determined by morality. Course and". According to a report by the Office for National Statistics <br> <br> published in 2011, migrant workers in China in 2010 was 50 million 100 million people. A person who was born in 1980, 84.87 million people of this proportion is 58.4%. High level of education of young migrant workers, but also high average expenditure, lack a sense of well-being of urban life. "This phenomenon is due to the lack of social morality, should not be an excuse to loneliness" from the part, I also pointed out that just sounds <br> <br>. shock and climb a telephone pole to catch (Yuki Onda translation / editing passages east Lee translation) the chicken [Articles] <br> <br>, intelligence level is one-year-olds - sexy popular breast emcee China Hubei China, on the dance bombshell has been spilled? - China men fall bear toilet for beauty and keep a good impression on a plane next to China coverage - to abort takeoff and screaming out of spite wrecked crew, the Chinese have been refused in the cabin panties also "at a glance" "hijack it!" China news - store was "put in black list" Chinese living in the United Kingdom clerk denied the purchase milk powder

