
poignant review

Suzuki Sawa "idle movie" smile "the resurrection of this day will come."
actress Suzuki Sawa (40) 13, in Tokyo held starred in the movie "happy", "(release 26) preview will be together, Ishigaki Yuma (30) at the.

[Photos] audience background pictures to commemorate Suzuki Sawa
Activity Center for the origin of the
Iwate musician · Matsumoto Tetsuya (36) and his mother and son story.Drug dependence pain, also love the mother Suzuki due to the collision play.

the film language Zu in until long after sunset.09 years to complete, all things theater open is the Iwate only a week is just.In fact, the "idle".But, first held in 11 years not public works in the collection "the first time you, a film festival" the highest award, the eyes see things, the public decision.

Nakamura Oya supervision "idle resurrection was from the 9 Party not cut.Status cannot open movies, Film Festival, thank you alone "," Suzuki also once gave up. There are, however, such a day "and" miracle ".

Suzuki, the husband and the understanding that the current film photography, married the year before."3 years" poignant review, "the husband (Ishigaki) on the ground and you in the same year, however, that feeling, no" relationship that denial, laughed loudly.[] Association reported Ishigaki Yuma 3 years before his old smile ".""Happiness" pot "brother Suzuki Sawa, the role of" 10 year-old actor...Communication smoothly Zhongcunshitong "from the sender car, found"!Ishigaki Yuma is the first time in 4 months return...Tears revive, swear to Suzuki Sawashigakiyuma, Matsumoto Tetsuya investigation
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